Feature articles on pharmacy:

Miracle Cure for Gout and Arthritis Pain? Six Cherries a Day

(NaturalNews) I bet the big drug companies wish they had invented cherries -- they've proven to be the most powerful medicine in the world for eliminating gout and reducing the pain and inflammation of arthritis. Cherries are such powerful medicine for gout and arthritis, in fact, the FDA went out of its way to try to muzzle cherry growers, preventing them from linking to scientific studies on cherries as a way to censor the information you're about to read here.

If the public finds out the truth about cherries, after all, they won't need arthritis drugs anymore (and Big Pharma will lose billions in profits). As you'll see in the collection of quotes about cherries, gout and arthritis (below), cherries are extremely safe, effective and fast-acting for eliminating swelling and pain. Eating just a few cherries a day keeps uric acid levels in check, preventing any recurrence of gout.

What's a good source for cherries? In addition to buying local organic cherries at natural grocers near you, you can also get cherry concentrates and cherry extracts from a variety of companies. As it turns out, even cooked cherry juice does the trick just as well as raw cherries!

My top recommended sources for cherry products include Brownwood Acres / www.FruitFast.com (which offers an amazing array of fruit concentrate bars and capsules) and www.Vitacost.com (which offers various cherry extract products). See search results here: http://www.vitacost.com/productResu...

No, I don't have any financial ties with these companies. I just recommend their products. The FruitFast company, in fact, offers fruit softgel capsules, bars, liquids, concentrates and premium dried fruit, too, so you can always have cherries with you (even when traveling!). They've even introduced CherryFlex for dogs! http://www.brownwoodacres.com/pet_p...

The Bear Fruit Bar (www.MorFoods.com) is also a great source of not only cherry concentrates, but other potent fruits as well.

If you suffer from gout or arthritis, you owe it to yourself to try the therapeutic use of cherries.

The FDA, of course, says cherries aren't medicine. The FDA is lying to you! (And they know it.) Cherries ARE medicine, and it's medicine that's safer, more effective and far more affordable than Big Pharma's toxic patented chemicals. Cherries are medicine that grows on trees.

The entire pharmaceutical cartel hopes you never find out the truth about cherries. They're depending on your ignorance to keep their profits flowing. Don't let 'em sucker you into taking expensive, dangerous medications when cherries might be all you really need! Try cherries (or cherry concentrate products) first, for at least 30 days. And when your pain vanishes, you can send a thank-you email to Mother Nature for providing this natural medicine to the world.

Read the quotes below to learn astonishing facts about cherries and gout...

Resveratrol is "Nature's Medicine" for Cancer, Heart Disease and Much More

(NaturalNews) Just how good is resveratrol at preventing cancer and heart disease? It's so good that drug companies are trying to mimic its molecules in order to claim they're "creating" a new drug to prevent heart disease.

But this is Mother Nature's miracle drug -- only it's not a drug. It's a molecule synthesized by plants for protecting themselves! And it turns out the same molecule can protect you from cancer, heart disease and a whole lot more.

I wanted you to read about the amazing benefits of resveratrol, so I put together this collection of quotes from top authors in the field. Read it to learn the truth about resveratrol that the drug companies and the FDA hope you never find out...

Authors' Quotes on Resveratrol

(Feel free to quote these in your own work provided you give proper credit to both the original author quoted here and this NaturalNews page.)

Resveratrol is a naturally occurring phytoalexin produced by some higher plants in response to injury or fungal infection. Phytoalexinsare chemical substances produced by plants as a defense against infection by pathogenic microorganisms, such as fungi. Alexin is from Greek, meaning to ward off or to protect. Resveratrol may also have alexin-like activity for humans.
- PDR for Nutritional Supplements by Sheldon Saul Hendler and David Rorvik
- Available on Amazon.com

Found in many plants as a phytoalexin, resveratrol is abundant in the skins of red grapes (Vitis vinifera). It has been suggested that resveratrol underlies the phenomenon known as the "French paradox." Wine is the most notable dietary source of this compound; a fluid ounce of red wine contains an average of 160 pg of resveratrol.
- Medical Herbalism: The Science Principles and Practices Of Herbal Medicine by David Hoffman, FNIMH, AHG
- Available on Amazon.com

Grape juice contains resveratrol, as does cranberry juice, but at levels that are ten times less than those in red. Resveratrol content in different food and beverages: (uG 100 G), OyG/125 ML)Grapes 1,500, Red wine 625, Peanuts 150, White wine 38, Peanut butter 50, Grape juice 65, Blueberries 3, Cranberry juice 65, Raisins 0.01; resveratrol concentration in red wine varies greatly from one grape variety to another and from one region to another, with values ranging from 1 to 13 mg/l.
- Foods that Fight Cancer by Richard Beliveau, Ph.D. and Denis Gingras, Ph.D.
- Available on Amazon.com

When incubated with hepatoma cells, resveratrol induced Phase II detoxifying enzymes that detoxified and inhibited the proliferation of these cells. Resveratrol also inhibited the development of preneoplastic lesions when mice were exposed to tumor initiators and promoters. Grape skins, leaves, juice and red wine are all good sources of resveratrol.

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